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Select a plan that fits your needs. Club teams that have a team membership can use the team discount code at checkout. Memberships include unlimited tools, resources, and coaching services.

  • Monthly Membership

    Every month
    Unlimited monthly access to college preparation, recruiting coaching, and career navigation
  • Monthly value of $80

    Annual Membership

    Every year
    Unlimited monthly access to college preparation, recruiting coaching, and career navigation

Auto-Renewal Disclaimer: By subscribing to our membership program, you agree to the following terms regarding automatic renewal. Your membership subscription will automatically renew at the end of each billing period unless canceled. Your account will be charged automatically on the renewal date, based on the selected billing cycle (monthly, annually, etc.). Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your subscription at any time before the next billing cycle to avoid automatic renewal. It is your responsibility to ensure that your payment information is current to avoid any disruptions in service. Automatic renewals are refundable. Refunds for cancellations must be requested before the next billing cycle. Please keep your contact information updated to receive important notifications about your subscription. By continuing with your subscription, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer support at Thank you for being a valued member!

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